Board of Directors

The Knappa Fire District’s Board consists of five members of the community who are elected to four-year terms. The Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Knappa Fire Station. Unless the Board meets in executive session all meetings are open to the public. You may also join via Zoom by using this link:

Current Board of Directors:

  • Position 1: Sue Stunkard (Term Expires, June 30, 2027)

  • Position 2: John Jolley (Term Expires, June 30, 2027)

  • Position 3: Ed Johnson (Term Expires, June 30, 2025)

  • Position 4: Ernie Affolter (Term Expires, June 30, 2025)

  • Position 5: Dale Webster (Term Expires, June 30, 2027)

Meeting Adgendas

Below are the agendas for upcoming Board Meetings: